
All posts tagged talk

Is Chivalry Dead?

Published December 17, 2012 by naughtyviews

Is chivalry dead? This is a question that had me baffled for a while. A lot of women are flattered when men open doors for them, pull their chairs out and so on. I kind of agree with it, to a certain extent. I’ve watched a few old films with my mum, you know the black and white type of films. There’s loads of different acts men will do for women, such as:

  • Opening the door
  • Tipping his hat as he says hello and goodbye
  • Carry heavy objects
  • Giving up a seat
  • Walking on the outside of the pavement

Chivalry will always be debatable with equality around, why can’t a woman open the door for herself? She would if she was alone so why would she need a man to do it for her? I hate people pulling the chair out for me. I’m more than capable of doing it myself. Plus I like to tuck the chair in under the table according to my own comfort. I’m a nuisance that’s why. But if I need help, especially when it comes to carrying heavy things, DIY, opening jars and so on. This makes me believe that there is a slight difference between equality and chivalry, it’s so alike and yet so different, in my eyes.

There’s always talk about why can’t pregnant women stand whilst on public transport, why do they always expect someone to give up their seat for them? If I really have to answer that question, then you know there’s something very very wrong with this world. To rile people up even more, expectant mothers are starting to wear a “baby on board” badge. I think it’s quite funny to be fair. But rest assured pregnant women, I would offer you a seat . . . But I don’t use public transport very often so I’m safe hahaha.

I personally see the above-mentioned as generous acts, but not a necessity. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a feminist, and yes it’s nice to be pampered but I don’t class it as chivalry. I see it more as generosity. If you can see I’m struggling to carry something heavy, help me out. Common sense really. I wonder if chivalry has ever BACKFIRED against a man. Maybe I should Google it.