
All posts tagged race

Attack in Woolwich, London

Published May 23, 2013 by naughtyviews

I don’t think this post needs any introduction. My heart and sympathy goes out to the family of the soldier who was hacked to death in Woolwich, London, yesterday afternoon. It kinda knocked me back after watching the incident make breaking news. It’s shocking to see how others treat others. No one is safe these days. It just goes to show that you never know what is around the corner. There are a lot of sick, disgusting things that were unfolded yesterday which makes the incident EVEN WORSE than it is already is. I think it’s the reason WHY the attack happened which has angered everyone. Note: these are my opinions. You may not agree with them but you can’t tell me I’m wrong because this is what I THINK. However, I would appreciate any comments you may have.


The incident took place around 2.20pm in the middle of the afternoon. It’s broad daylight. There’s no getting away from the fact that the attackers may be seen. For it to happen in the middle of the street is pretty disgusting. They knew what they were doing, which makes it even more sick. They made no attempt to flee the scene which baffles me. I understand they had a reason for it. I’m not justifying it. But this was’t the time or the place and it definitely wasn’t the way to get the message across.

Another point of timing that I have to make is that it took 20 minutes for the police to arrive on the scene. I understand they are busy and there are other crimes they have to attended to but it is completely shocking that the media and camera crew got to the scene before the police did. The attackers used this time to preach a message, justify why they did it. I can’t say it enough, but that it sick, vile and disgusting.


Someone on Facebook had posted a screenshot of Twitter. The words hurt. They cut deep. There’s a lot of ignorance in the world when it comes to religion and race. Some people refuse to learn the difference especially when it comes to Asians. There’s a big difference between Indians and Pakistanis, if you choose to learn about it. For those who don’t, everyone gets painted with the same brush. On twitter I saw a lot of tweets consisting of “pakis this” and “pakis that”. Sorry to burst your unnecessary racist banter but the attackers were black. Come on people, you really can’t be THAT stupid can you? I can’t do anything but shake my head in disgust.

race war on twitter

race war on twitter

A lot of white English people were defending the country effing and blinding at non-english people. Muslims were defending their religion, saying that not all Muslims are terrorists. Indians were fighting to say that this attack has nothing to do woth their race and religion. Black people were arguing that they are always portrayed in a bad light and this incident had made it worse for them. I understand that everyone wants to defend their own but there’s becoming a bigger divide between races. It was hard enough overcoming this in the riots of 2011 but to bring it within the community again is a shame. I honestly believe, and have said this many times before, that the INDIVIDUALS should be blamed for the crime. Their race and religion has nothing to do with it. Never has, never will.

Religion is not an excuse

I have previously published a post with the exact same title. It definitely applies here. Many terrorists who commit acts such as these have said that it is written in the Quran. I have never read the Quran so I can’t say for sure but the people who I have spoken to have said it’s NOT written in the holy book. So who do you believe? Where is this message being spread? Who started it? These are questions I cannot answer but either way, it does not, in any shape or form, excuse the acts of these people. Murder is murder, regardless of whether or not it’s written in the Quran or if Allah expects/wants you to do it. Using religion to justify violent and deathly acts like this is inexcusable.


I am a strong believer of saying that you shouldn’t let the media overtake your thinking. Judge for yourself rather than acting on what you see and hear on the news. I’m going to say something which may cause arguments and heated debates but oh well. Whenever a crime is committed by a non-white person, I feel like there is an emphasis on their race and religion. However when a white guy commits a crime, the media will never say “a white, Christian man/woman”. When Asians are highlighted in the media, their religion is always mentioned. This is something I don’t agree with. As previously stated, individuals are accountable for the crimes. Their religion/race has nothing to do with it.

There’s many other little points to raise but I will keep this post short. If I have comments to this post, then I will certainly address them.


Published May 10, 2013 by naughtyviews

Here we go with another film review. It’s pretty ironic how I watched this film even though I don’t know what the word complicit means. According to the Oxford dictionary it means “involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong”. That gives you a clear indiction as to what the film is about. It’s about an MI5 officer who is working on a case of a British terror suspect who he believes is planning another 7/7 style atrocity. He has a lack of solid evidence, his superiors don’t believe him, and he works hard to prove himself as well as protect his country. I don’t really watch films of this genre but there were two powerful storylines running parallel with one another.

The first storyline is the fact that he is a black MI5 officer and his superiors are white people. He feels he is discriminated against his skin colour. I know it’s quick and easy to throw in the race card. A lot of people do. When they don’t get their own way, they say the opposition is racist. It’s becoming one of those things that are being used willy-nilly so it’s hard to believe who is being honest. Being of Asian heritage myself, I know how it feels to be stereotyped. I may have brown skin, but I don’t have a bomb strapped to my body, I won’t be forced into marriage and neither am I any less of a person compared to males. In the film, he feels like his superiors look down on him and do not give him a job promotion because they are white and he is black. Again, this is something hard to prove. Instead, he feels like he has to work harder than everyone else in order to show and prove his worth.

He suspects a Muslim guy is planning a ricin attack in Britain but he has no real evidence so works REALLY hard to get hard facts. He checks over loads of CCTV footage and emails hoping to get hard evidence of the planned attack in order to protect his country and boost his career. The suspect is smart and refuses to answer any questions so the MI5 agent resorts to torture the suspect. Of course it’s a wrong thing to do but he’s adamant to get to the bottom of it. It’s unprofessional and morally wrong but he’s desperate for answers. The suspect gives him an address in Britain about where the ricin is being manufactured. BINGO! He’s got what he wanted. End of story. WRONG!!!!!!! The address was incorrect, his superiors find out and he loses his job. Gripping story, I have to admit.

So the second storyline is how the media portray terrorists to be Muslim. This definitely angered many people and rightly so. But to be honest, I think the film was captured correctly. I’m not trying to be biased or anything but I was gripped to the film. I’ve said in many posts before, the minority always spoil it for the majority. It’s like there’s a stereotype of terrorists being Muslims and I think  it’s going to be around for a long while. Once you get stuck with it, it’s hard to shake it off. I don’t really want to elaborate on this too  much, because I don’t want anyone to get offended by my opinions, so I’ll let you form your own opinions.

Moral of the story: make sure you watch this film because it really is an eye opener to careers, cultures, lifestyles, stereotypes and just a general outlook on life.

Second moral of the story: DON’T always believe what you hear and see in the media.