Premier League

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End of the World 2012

Published December 21, 2012 by naughtyviews

Was the world really going to end today? Did anyone actually believe it? To be honest, it was quite amusing, yet very annoying, to see how this was a topic being discussed worldwide. Well fear not, because 21st December 2012 is almost over and I’m still blogging. I can assume we’re all going to be safe. Truth be told, I don’t know much about the story behind the world ending. All I know is that it had something to do with the Mayan calendar. I didn’t even know who the Mayans were until this ‘rumour’ was spread. Yeah I said it, a rumour. I’m sure they said the world was supposed to end in 2000. It didn’t end then so there’s no way I was going to believe it this time.

You all know that I love Twitter and I have to admit it was rather crazy last night with people thinking that they wouldn’t wake up in the morning. Like really people, you don’t believe it yourself but would take time to tweet about it. That’s how you know the world is going crazy. Mario Balotelli tweeted: “Breaking News: The end of the world has postponed until Liverpool win the Premier League. Well, looks like we’re all safe.”

It’s ironic how the world ending is supposed to be serious but people are making jokes about it. To be fair, it’s better than the tweets I thought I’d be seeing. Here are some more tweets I came across from non-famous people.
“It’s funny because after today’s over and nothing happens, they’re gunna pick a new day that’s gunna be the end of the world.”
“Mayan: End of the world is tomorrow. Jesus: No, my birthday Tuesday, Turn Up.”
“I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging or anything, but this is the sixth end of the world I’ve survived.”
A lot of rumours were spreading. Some people were saying that the world was supposed to end at 1am. In which country? There’s so many countries in the world, so many time zones. If you’re going to spread rumours, at least clarify the smaller details. Another rumour that I heard was that the world WASN’T going to end, instead we’d be in darkness for three days with no electricity. The most freaky thing happened this morning. We had a power cut in my house at 5.30am. The electricity hadn’t tripped. I looked outside the window and the street lights weren’t working, neither were the traffic lights. Before you start thinking, NO, I didn’t get scared but it was a major coincidence. Me and my mother had a right laugh about it. It was funny, until the electricity started working 15 minutes later.
We’ve survived. It’s nothing to worry about now. I wait to hear the next rumour that’s going to have the world going crazy.