
All posts tagged manners

Rude Woman

Published November 30, 2012 by naughtyviews

They say manners don’t cost anything which is why I feel the need to share one of my encounters with you all. I parked my car in a carpark today. That sounds a bit silly when I said that. Well I wouldn’t park my horse there would I? Anyways, back to my story, as I was walking back to my car (with time still left on my ticket), there was a woman standing at the ticket machine. I asked her if she wanted a ticket and she was so rude to me. Her exact words were “I know how to use a machine”. It’s not WHAT she said, it’s HOW she said it. When I explained to her that I still had time on my ticket remaining, all of a sudden her attitude disappeared and was more than happy to take my ticket. TYPICAL! I could’ve been really cheeky back or could’ve been polite and given her the ticket. Instead, I was filled with sarcasm and replied ‘you don’t need it, you know how to use the machine”. The look on her face was classic. There is no way I would allow anyone to be rude to me when I was trying to be nice. And you jolly well won’t get any freebies from me either.