
All posts tagged mad


Published January 20, 2013 by naughtyviews

Let me put it bluntly, I HATE SNOW with a passion. It’s cute when it snows for a short amount of time when I’m in my house. However, England doesn’t do things by halves. We’ve gone all out with the snow. I woke up on Friday morning and everything was white, it was freezing and yes it looked really nice . . . UNTIL I had to go out. I don’t know if I’m too old for snow or maybe I’m a party pooper. I see people out having snow ball fights and I think they are mad. I wouldn’t go out in these horrible weather conditions unless I REALLY had to. If not, I’m parking my bum in front of the heater. (I’m lazy like that lol). I know the reason why children enjoy it so much. They get a day off from school. I would love my manager to give me a day off due to snow. Now that would be perfect. It’s never going to happen so I might as well stop day dreaming about it. I remember reading an article a few years which read that many schools prefer to shut when it snows because parents are fighting for compensation if their child falls over in the snow. I think it’s so dumb but a lot of people are greedy to make money by any means necessary.

Another reason why I hate the snow is because of the fact that England basically comes to a standstill at the sight of snow. I was shocked to hear that many trains were cancelled BEFORE it snowed. Excuse my stupidity, but how is that even logical? It snows a lot in places like Austria and Alaska but they seem to manage. Not England. Oh no. We have to close down schools and shops, disrupt public transport, close motorways etc.

I don’t understand how people say “it’s too cold to snow”. I’m sure there’s a smart reason behind it but I’m not clever enough to understand it so I don’t bother trying to understand it. But I hate it when I say “it’s too cold’ and a smart ass replies with “well, it is winter”. Thanks for stating the obvious, genius. I’m well aware of the season and I don’t need you reminding me. The point that I’m trying to make is that it’s a lot colder than we’re used to. It’s been a long time since temperatures have dropped into minus numbers and anyone who knows me will understand that me and cold weather DO NOT get on at all.

I could actually write about a book about this, but I know I’m gna get a lot of people commenting to tell me to shut up and enjoy it so I might as well cut this post short. Let’s hope the temperatures rise and hopefully England will be more prepared next year *fingers crossed*