car insurance

All posts tagged car insurance

Crazy Drivers

Published November 26, 2012 by naughtyviews

I’m not the only one that hates crazy drivers, am I? I don’t even know where to begin because I have seen some crazy driving in my time. I have noticed that people who drive Audi’s and silver cars never thank me when I give them way. Just put ur hand up or flash your lights at me. It isn’t hard. If I hadn’t given them way, they would still be waiting. YOU OWE ME!!!!!! I tend to swear at them afterwards (unless my mum is in the car with me. I don’t swear in front of her. She might hit me). I make a lot of unwritten road rules which need to be brought into place.

Have you noticed that when you’re running late that all the traffic lights turn red when you’re approaching them? That’s really creepy!!!!! But when I’ve managed to leave the house on time (or early, which is very rare) all the lights are green. This is so frustrating and happens to me on a regular basis.

Learner drivers do my head in too. I understand that we were all learners drivers once but I don’t understand why people take driving lessons before 9am, when people are trying to get to work. They just add to the traffic and make journeys longer. They tend to drive much slower and take ages to turn into the road. Don’t get me wrong, everyone needs to be safe on the road but I think they should take lessons when most people are at work. GET OUT THE WAY!!!!!

Taxi drivers are just as bad. A lot of people will agree with me. You’re probably smirking if you do. I can’t say they are all bad but I tend to paint them with the same brush. They are a law upon themselves on the road. Don’t think you can just push into my lane. I was here first and you can jolly well just wait. I love the way they drive around really fast. On the rare occasion I’ve ordered a taxi, they never drive that fast when I’m in the taxi. Maybe they drive slower when they have no passengers.

To be honest, I’m not really bothered by boy racers. As long as they don’t race around my car, I’m not bothered. However, they are the reason why my car insurance is so expensive. They fall in the same age bracket as I do *sad face* so all young drivers are seen to be a liability on the roads. They haven’t seen my driving. My driving is really good until I have to parallel park. I just can’t seem to get the hang of it. Oh well, I’ll get the hang of it soon (I HOPE). I even have parking sensors *smiles* It’s a great invention/investment but I think someone needs to create a self-parking car. Now that would be amazing. I hate roundabouts too. But that’s another story by itself.

We had some really horrible weather on the weekend with heavy winds and rain. Everyone, with common sense, drove slower and more carefully. However there was one idiot on the road who overtook me with great speed. Why would you do that? SILLY MAN!!! I understand he had one of these fast, flashy cars but be careful. You are going to look very stupid when you’re the cause of an accident just because you were showing off.

Speed cameras make drivers act stupid too. If the speed limit is 30mph and a speed camera is there, why do drivers feel the need to drive at 20mph? I just don’t understand why people do it. Come on people, we need to sort this matter out. No wonder Government reports state that speed cameras cause accidents. Of course they will, when everyone wants to drive REALLY slow.

Please share some of your driving experiences with me. I love hearing people having a rant and rave about other road users.