
All posts tagged adult

Growing Up

Published December 20, 2012 by naughtyviews

I don’t understand why everyone is rushing to grow up. Becoming an adult means waking up early every morning, making money, spending about 8 hours a day in an office with people you can’t stand, struggling to pay the bills and mortgage. See why it’s no fun being an adult. There’s a secondary school not too far from my house and oh my days, you should see the children that attend. There’s no way on Earth they look 16 years old or under. The boys are scarily tall, the girls are wearing make up. Hold up guys, whats the rush to grow old? I think youth should be enjoyed. I was born at a time where choosing whether to eat beans or peas was the hardest decision to make. Now there’s girls who are missing meals just to be like the other size zero women in the magazines. Disgusting, if you ask me!

When I was young, I was always up late at night, for no reason at all. I was either faffing around, watching television, texting my friends, basically anything to waste time. The older I’m getting, the more I love to sleep. It’s amazing. I wish I enjoyed it this much when I was younger. Talk about beauty sleep. Sleep is like my best friend at the moment, I can’t get enough of it.

Curfews was the bane of my life when I was younger. I hated being home by a certain time. I know my parents were looking out for me by expecting me home by a certain time, but as a teenager, I didn’t see the point of it. I actually thought they were trying to ruin my fun. We’ll never understand parents so you might as well just do as you’re told to make life easier for everyone. Now that I’m more grown up, I’m free to do what I want. I don’t have to tell anyone, I don’t have a curfew, I have no questions to answer. To be honest I HATE it. When my friends invite me out, there’s only so many times I can make excuses for not going. Constant nagging from my friends does my head in. I actually enjoy being indoors and sometimes just want to be left on my own. But when I’ve got no one to stop me from going out, I don’t have any excuses for not wanting to go out.

I think one of the best things about being young is the fact that someone else will make your dinner for you. After a long day at work, the last thing that’s on my mind is cooking a meal. Thank God I still live at home with my parents. My mother is lovely enough to make sure I get fed every night. I know that if I was living alone, more likely, I’d end up starving. Being a grown up sucks. (Sucks? I never use that word. Shows the influence of my American Twitter followers is rubbing of on me).

Moral of the story: enjoy being young because being a grown up is tiring, stressful but more importantly BORING!!!!